In 2018, Laurie Strode and Michael Myers returned in David Gordon Green‘s Halloween. It was a highly anticipated return, and many of us horror movie fans, wanted a return to form. While it’s a polarizing movie, I think we can agree that it’s still one of the better Halloween movies? Personally, I loved this movie, as it was scary, creepy and absolutely badass! But why was that the reason? What made this movie good in the first place? While I would love to give credit to the writers and director, I feel like it’s a very character-driven movie. Therefore, I want to rank the best characters of Halloween (2018). I present to you my list, but who do you think is the best character from this movie?
I wrote a list of the worst characters in Halloween (2018) as well, check it out by clicking here!
Honorable Mention: Aaron Korey

When I watched Halloween (2018), one scene that truly stuck with me was when Aaron Korey confronted Michael Myers at the Smith’s Grove Sanitarium. It was raw. It felt real, and best of all, it was really unexpected. Everything leading up to it was necessary in creating this perfect moment. And yes, it was indeed perfect. From the chilling way the other patients got involved to Jefferson Hall‘s gripping emotional performance, it was the best way to start the beginning of the end of Halloween.
Aaron Korey is quite a good character, isn’t he? When you consider his short screen time, his impactful performance and his gruesome death, I would argue that his role in Halloween was great. While his role wasn’t necessary, he luckily didn’t overstay his welcome. Thus, I’m giving him an honorable mention, as Jefferson Hall deserves some respect.
5. Dana Haines

You can’t have Aaron Korey without Dana Haines, right? This dynamic duo worked really well, as Dana gave them a softer touch, while Aaron gave them an edge. It wasn’t anything special, but it was definitely good. While it felt like Dana was a little “held back” in her part of the film, when it was time for her to get killed, she was really able to let loose. Resulting in an amazing scared performance; among the best I’ve seen a few years. It was such a realistic and visceral reaction that it gave me goosebumps. It was also very human, with great lines of dialogue and a beautifully brutal conclusion. Simply put, her character improved tenfold before her death. In turn, I have to tip my hat to you, Rhian Rees!
4. Karen

Judy Greer plays Karen, who spent her childhood training for future terrors, while sometimes acting like a Karen. In turn, she was damaged by the same training that was supposed to help her in the future. It’s not surprising, considering that she’s the daughter of Laurie Strode. It’s a rather challenging role to play, with us fans having high expectations. When you consider that she’s the daughter of the most iconic Final Girl ever, it’s an uphill battle. Therein lies Judy’s challenge; to be able to match Laurie. While she does an admirable job, with a very human element to her, it’s not enough to make her a great character. What we end up with is an individual with real warmth, relatable personality and a motherly behavior. So, It’s no wonder they hired Judy Greer for the role, as she’s known for creating convincing people.
While Karen struggled to face her mother, she didn’t show any fear when facing Michael in the end; in one of the best moments of the Halloween (2018). That “Gotcha!” scene is something special, and it’s a really impressively structured moment, with a great build-up. Considering that we’re told Karen was trained, I expected to see her be a badass from the jump. But she wasn’t. If anything, it looked as if she’d thrown everything her mo, taught her out the window. Boy, was I made a fool when she shot Michael in the face, and her crying was just a facade! If only that would’ve been the end of David Gordon Green‘s hand in the Halloween franchise. I mean, we didn’t need the poorly written Kills and Ends, now did we? Nevertheless, Karen takes the 4th spot on my list of Halloween (2018) best characters!
3. Allyson

Where do I start with Laurie Strode’s granddaughter? While she’s a welcomed addition to the Halloween franchise, mixing some of the best qualities of Karen and Laurie, she’s perplexing. On one hand, she’s a compassionate individual with a sense for what’s morally right, with an innate ability to be strong in difficult situations. On the other hand, her moral compass shifts randomly, with her sometimes coming across as a “jack of all trades” type of character. While I’m not opposed to it, I just feel like the writers didn’t really want to limit anything about her. In turn, it makes her unpredictable, which is good or bad, depending on your perspective. Me, I think that it actually works.
Andi Matichak came through with a warm, yet commanding, performance as Allyson. While I feel like they could’ve included her more in the climax of the movie, I am happy with Allyson. She pulls off the teenager behavior well, and is solely responsible for making me invest into the other kids her age. If not for her, I feel like the movie would’ve fallen flat. However, there are problems with her character, and the inconsistency in her behavior, makes her land on the 3rd spot on my list. I still like Andi Matichak’s performance though; it needs to be said.
2. Michael Myers

As a villain who doesn’t talk, Michael Myers says a whole damn lot with his actions! From his unwavering composure, to his silent but deadly ways, Michael Myers feels renewed in David Gordon Green’s Halloween “reboot”. It’s not just about bringing “old” Michael Myers back to life, but actually pumping life into a villain that’s always needed it. In this movie, he feels so alive, so alert, with a menacing build. I suppose that I should mention the man who dawned the mask; the one who made The Shape imposing, once more. It’s James Jude Courtney! 🔪
This version of Michael Myers is by far the scariest in the franchise history. It’s one of the first times we get a genuinelly well-written story arc for Michael, one which forces the viewer to read between the lines. I simply mean that you as the viewer have to put 2 and 2 together. In turn, it’s a treat of a return for our beloved lunatic. I can only praise what I saw, as this was an impressive return to form for The Shape.
1. Laurie Strode

Jamie Lee Curtis, I applaude you for returning to Halloween, once again. While the road here hasn’t been the smoothest, and many Halloween movies haven’t been the brightest, it’s safe to say that we’ve got our queen back. Scream Queen, that is. In turn, my expectations were sky high, and Jamie Lee Curtis met them all. If anything, she surprised me with how well she was able to portray Laurie Strode, 40 years later. I’m not saying this as a fan, but as someone who just rewatched the original Halloween. Jamie Lee Curtis nailed Laurie’s behavior, with a sense of vulnerability. She feels human, and she still fears The Shape. Yet, there’s that same underlying strength and willingness to fight, which made us love Laurie Strode in the first place.
What more should I say? Jamie Lee Curtis is an Oscar-winning actress, who’s known for being the “It character” in movies. I simply mean that she’s the one you’ll often times remember the best, as she’s always the one with the most flavor. It’s all in her eyes; she conveys emotion in a blink. So, it’s not about the line delivery. It’s more-so about her physical transformation and her body language that tells the story of what she’s been through, and who she is. Thus, I am more than happy by Jamie’s performance. With several badass moments, this supposed “crazy mom” is cleared as a badass; who she’s always been. It’s marvelous. I crown Laurie Strode the best character of Halloween (2018)! 🎃