The Gundam Meisters of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 are a special bunch of individuals, each with their own troublesome past, unique present, and a questionable future. What if, with all that we know, try to sort them into Hogwarts Houses? Where would our beloved Soran be placed? How about Allelujah, with his split personality? The Dylandy twins are identical in appearance but worlds apart in personality. What of them? And what House is best suited for a “person” who isn’t even a human? I decide to dive into Gundam 00 and Harry Potter in order to answer these questions! Without further ado, here is every Gundam Meister in Gundam 00 sorted into a Hogwarts House!
This list is based solely on the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 TV anime. Not the manga.
Neil Dylandy – Hufflepuff ๐ฆก
While a quick glance might suggest that Neil Dylandy is the perfect fit for Gryffindor, due to his bravery and strong sense of justice, but this basic assessment doesn’t capture his essence. I’m certain that his compassionate and nurturing nature, alongside his hard work, dedication and loyalty would get him placed into Hufflepuff. These core values define his character more than anything else, as he’s truly a loyal, kind-hearted young man, who only seeks what’s fair, with a side dish of revenge, of course!
Lockon Stratos is a Gundam Meister who would do anything for his Gundam Meister brethren and Celestial Being family. Whether it’s “babysitting” Setsuna or having heart-to-heart convos with Feldt, he works hard to do it all. Often times, he takes on the role of the mediator, putting himself in the middle of situations to resolve them. He’s level headed and his “big bro” status makes his opinions valuable to everyone on board. It’s as if he’s overseeing things, even when he doesn’t have to. I mean, heck, he’s the field leader when the Gundam Meisters are fighting. All of them report to Neil Dylandy. That shows exactly how much people respect him.
Neil protected Tieria with his heart, looked after Setsuna and had heart-to-heart conversations with Feldt. He truly cared about his Celestial Being family.
Why don’t we take a few concrete examples to truly place Neil into Hufflepuff? How about the time he protected Tieria Erde with his life, knowing that he wasn’t a human being? Just take a moment to think about it, okay? Neil was willing to die to protect an artifical being, even when they didn’t have a good relationship. It was something Neil did from pure love and friendship.
His face-off with Ali Al-Saachez further cements his character. Despite his impaired vision and battered state, Neil chose to face his adversary head-on. This act wasn’t merely a personal vendetta; it was a testament to his strong moral compass and a reflection of the values upheld by the Gundam Meisters and the Ptolemaios crew. He knew first hand of the threat Al-Saachez held, and wanted to put a stop to him, whether it cost him his life or not.
The original Lockon Stratos died hating the world, does that make him a Slytherin? No. He fell out of love with the world that he once loved dearly. But he’s too kindhearted to live in this twisted world.
Neil died hating the world, so does that mean he’s a Slytherin? Not at all. Not even close. Neil just fell out of love with Earth, because he wanted a fair world. He fought for a world in which good people wouldn’t suffer at the hands of bad people, and he did everything in his might to succeed. While he came a long way and made a change, he wasn’t able to like Earth anymore. The vile changes went against his goodhearted, beautiful, and loving nature. It was what the thing that motivated him, but he never got to see the world absolved from its sin.
Keep in mind, Neil Dylandy could’ve killed Setsuna after he found out that he was a part of the KPSA, the terror group behind the terrorist bombings in Ireland that took the lives of his mom, dad and little sister. He aimed his gun at Soran, but he didn’t shoot. He asked him why he was fighting, what he was going to do to change the world. For him, if he was a Slytherin, would’ve not done any of that. Neil is a Hufflepuff, he wanted to hear Soran say that he’s changed, and Neil’s kind heart believed him. I’m glad that he was smiling down from heaven, seeing what a beautiful young man Setsuna became. It’s a true sign of a Hufflepuff right there!
Lyle Dylandy – Slytherin ๐
Let’s be honest, shall we? It’s crystal clear that Lyle Dylandy, the new Lockon Stratos, doesn’t have an any of his brother’s Hufflepuff traits. Whether it’s the lack of loyalty or his nonchalant behavior towards missions, Lyle doesn’t have what it takes to be a Hufflepuff. Not a Gryffindor either. No way he can get into Ravenclaw, but it’s a close call. Nope. No, no, no. I think that it’s only right that I place Lyle into Slytherin, where he belongs!
From the moment we’re introduced to Lyle, he’s shown to be driven by hidden agendas, with an ulterior motive behind his actions. When he becomes a Gundam Meister, he constantly lies in order to achieve his personal goals. His sly and opportunistic disposition is what shows us that he only cares about himself. He operates purely on self-interest. If there’s something in it for him, he’ll do it. If not, then it’s a coin flip to know what type of Lyle you’ll be getting on the battlefield. The worst part of it all is that he tries to achieve things at the cost of others. That’s definitely something a Slytherin would do.
Lyle has the worst and best traits for a Slytherin. He’s sneaky, he’s a liar, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. But he’s a resourceful man, who’s extremely clever and very ambitious.
Later in the show, Lyle breaks his “bad habits” and starts to showcase some admirable traits that Slytherin have, and they do have many! Firstly, Lyle proves to be very resourceful, even having underground connections and an ear to the ground, knowing what’s going on in the world. Secondly, he’s ambitious and determined to achieve his goals, irregardless of the risk. We saw that with Anew Returner and even with Ali Al-Saachez. He was willing to fight and die for Anew, and he was ready to do whatever it took to avenge his brother by killing Al-Saachez. Thirdly, Lyle is clever. The way he manouvers his mobile suit is downright jaw-dropping. The way he finds openings in a battle and sets traps is truly impressive.
While you could make a case for another Hogwarts House, I think that Gundam Meister Lyle from Gundam 00 is a Slytherin.
Allelujah Haptism – Slytherin ๐
Do you remember what the Sorting Hat says to Harry in Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone? It says “You could be great, you know. It’s all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there’s no doubt about that.” While the Sorting Hat placed Harry into the Gryffindor House, by Harry’s own wishes, it shows how the Sorting Hat had different things in mind for the young wizard. He could’ve been equally as brilliant in Slytherin. This is exactly how I feel about Allelujah Haptism – but in reverse! I think that Allelujah fits well into Gryffindor, but he makes just a tad bit more sense as a Slytherin. We all know why, don’t we?
Allelujah, you’re a Gryffindor. Hallelujah, you’re a Slytherin. But the two of you together? Mhmmmm, you’re still a Slytherin, my friend!
There’s an elephant in the room, so let’s get it out of the way, shall we? Allelujah Haptism has a split personality, and that bloodthirsty horror movie villain is known as Hallelujah. Ironic, is it not? Nevertheless, it’s safe to say that Hallelujah is PERFECT for Slytherin. He openly states that he only cares about himself, his well-being and his own survival. He doesn’t care about others, and he proved that by killing and eating other children to ensure his own survival. It doesn’t get any more self-preserving, now does it? Therefore, Hallelujah fits into Slytherin.
But what about Allelujah? He’s “normal”? Well, here’s the conundrum I talked about in the first paragraph of this section; Allelujah fits both into Gryffindor and Slytherin. But why is that the case? Firstly, Allelujah is a Gundam Meister. He fights to eradicate war and does it courageously. Secondly, he has shown unparalleled bravery, when he saved people in the Gravity Block, going against Sumeragi Lee Noriega’s direct orders. He did so to save innocent lives. Thirdly, the orange pilot always backs his comrades, and has NEVER attacked anybody on the Ptolemaios – even when he’s Hallelujah. It’s what makes his case for Gryffindor strong. But not strong enough.
You’re a strong Slytherin, who’s responsible, resilient, ambitious, cunning, persistent, strategical, clever… and you do whatever the hell you want!
You see, the problem is that I could seperate Allelujah and Hallelujah to make things easier for myself. But where’s the fun in that? I genuinelly think that when you combine both, he would still be placed into Slytherin. Why? Even as Allelujah, he’s very responsible, resilient, cunning, persistent, strategical, clever, ambitious and does whatever the hell he wants, with a blessing from Celestial Being or not. That’s a Slytherin. No two ways about it. He just ticks too many of the good Slythering traits and bad ones to be anything other than just that, a Slytherin.
Tieria Erde – Ravenclaw ๐ฆ
Whatever way you slice it and dice it, Tieria Erde is without a doubt in mind a Ravenclaw. He’s glued to Vega like a bookworm in a library, sorting information, knowledgeable about things that others might not even be aware of. But it’s hardly surprising, as Tieria Erde is a genetically engineered bio-terminal – an Innovade. He’s kind of like a walking, talking encyclopedia, with a hunger for knowledge. It’s something he can’t help. He’s programmed to be wise, witty and have high intellect. It’s like he was engineered to be a Ravenclaw!
Tieria Erde is an eccentric individual, who’s rational, analytical and cynical. He doesn’t leave anything to chance. He’s always trying to maximize Celestial Being’s effectiveness in combat, while questioning Sumeragi’s leadership and the quality of his fellow Meisters. In turn, he’s a persont hat likes to observe, and Tieria dies so in a condescending nature. It’s what makes his entire personality come across as “being better and smarter than the rest”. If that’s not a sour Ravenclaw, I don’t know what is!
Say what you will about Tieria, he’s an Innovade who tried to become as human as possible. However, in his search for his own soul, he was never able to change his Ravenclaw ways. It’s just who he is, whether he likes it or not. For better or for worse!
Setsuna F. Seiei – Gryffindor ๐ฆ
Soran Ibrahim endured some of the worst monstrosities imaginable. He was brainwashed by the KPSA, led by Ali Al-Saachez, and became a child soldier. He killed both of his parents and countless others as a mere child. If those things don’t change you, nothing will. And that’s a bit off the top, you know? Soran’s scars go far deeper than a few sentences, something I wrote about in Understanding Setsuna Better. In that post, with the help of quotes, I explain exactly how Soran Ibrahim was as a child, and how he became Setsuna F. Seiei. In his past, and in his scars, you find the twisted soul of this young Kurdistani boy.
Setsuna’s courage, bravery, morals and fighting spirit are unrivaled.
Setsuna F. Seiei is a spontaneous, reckless and rebellious individual, who seeks answers in a twisted world. Irregardless of the consequences, he will do what he must. With his bravery as his armor, courage as his shield, and strong morals as his weapon, he will cut everything in his path to find the truth, but also personal salvation. His merciless and unforgiving nature make him a scary person to face in the midst of battle. He lives in the moment. He fights for what’s right, and is willing to do literally anything to achieve his goals. If it takes his life, so be it. As long as the rest of the world can live on peacefully, than he’ll be the martyr of the new world.
What else needs to be said? Setsuna might be proned to be a bit of a Slytherin at times, but he isn’t anywhere near a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. What sets him apart from the Slytherin take is all the brave, chivalrious, and fearless things he has done to achieve peace for others. He’s not interested in self-preservation. He doesn’t care much about himself, and his adventurous and bold behavior makes him a perfect fit for a Gryffindor. I guess you could say that he’s the lion that can’t be tamed out of this group!