I enjoyed watching Snyder‘s Justice League, but who could’ve imagined that in a movie with so many well established actors and actresses, most of them would give such lackluster and uninspired performances? I honestly didn’t see it coming. So, in order to vent my frustrations, I wrote a list of the 3 worst characters in Justice League! While it was a fun list to write, I prefer to focus on the positive things. So I thought it was time I balance the scales and write a list of the top 5 best characters in Justice League!
Admittedly, I’m hard on Justice League, as it features many superheroes that I hold dear to my heart. However, I must admit that a handful of characters in the movie are really good. Thus, I am excited to start writing this list, as I’m sure my ranking will be different from yours, and it’s quite possibly very controversial. Nevertheless, it’s time to get started.
5. Alfred

Played by: Jeremy Irons
I’m starting off my list with Alfred. Isn’t that ironic? In a movie with Batman and Superman, it’s the butler who’s more interesting than both of these legendary superheroes. I can’t ignore the disservice, and the blatantly stupid portrayals of Batman and Superman. It’s like they were an afterthought. Ironically enough, Alfred fits better into the movie, while also being played a lot better by the person portraying him: Jeremy Irons. Simply put, there are levels to acting, and Affleck and Cavill are not there yet, as without a good script, they can do nothing with the role they are given. It’s just that simple.
What makes Alfred such a good character is that everybody else is so bad. It just makes this lil’ character, who barely has a total of 7 minutes of screen time, stand out like a rose in the midst of weeds. It’s not just that, of course, as Jeremy Irons gives Alfred the edge that makes him the perfect fit for Snyder’s darker Justice League movie. There’s an underlying confidence, a truth in his words, and a dry sarcasm that actually works wonderfully with the story and structure of the movie. In turn, he never feels out of place, and even with 3-5 seconds on the screen, he is like a safe place that grounds the movie. In turn, I find Alfred to be a well-executed character who honestly improves the movie. If only we would’ve seen more of him!
4. Silas Stone

Played by: Joe Morton
If surprising you with Alfred at number 5 wasn’t enough excitement for the day, then you’ll be shocked by my decision to give the 4th spot to Silas Stone. I’m sure many will drop their jaws, but I stand behind it. I simply refuse to place Batman and Superman on this list, as both were abysmal. Instead of them, I chose characters that actually have some… well… CHARACTER. In turn, Silas made the list, while merely being a minor character in Justice League.
So, what does Silas have going for him? Firstly, his troubled relationship with his son leads to several intriguing and eye-opening moments worth watching. Secondly, he saved Victor’s life with the Mother Box, without knowing the consequences. In turn, creating a moral quandary in both the act itself, but also in Victor’s cybernetic existence. Last but not least, Joe Morton does a convincing job portraying Silas, with many emotional scenes and well-uttered lines of dialogue. It goes a long way in a movie with more negatives than positives.
While you might disagree with this decision, I urge you rewatch Justice League. Silas Stone is a really solid character, when you take into consideration the lack of screen time and his role. With that being said, I proudly give the 4th spot on the list to Silas Stone!
🥉 Cyborg

Played by: Ray Fisher
We’re just dropped in the middle of his origin story, aren’t we? Little by little, we get to know Cyborg, and the person he was prior: Victor Stone. While he’s still that young man, it’s safe to say that the experiment at the hands of his father changed him forever, but saved his life in the process. It’s a journey that is pretty interesting, with a father-son relationship at the core of it all. There’s some true family drama that feels heavy and nagging, with grabbing dialogue scenes that’ll have you questioning both characters. It’s effective in making Cyborg captivating, as his existence is a question mark. However, it’s the reason he’s a solid character.
There’s a deep moral conundrum; whether Victor’s father, Silas, should’ve done what he did to save his son’s life. I find his motivation to be logical and sensible, but also careless. I mean, if ends justify the means, then he did the right thing. And with that being said, there’s enough here with Victor to keep you interested and indulged, which is something I can’t say about a few other characters in Justice League.
What would’ve made Cyborg better is a more well-rounded backstory. It’s too incomplete and obscure to be interesting, and it’s not well-explained. With the exception of how he became a “metallic”, we only hear about his athletic background. Sadly, that’s not enough, as Cyborg’s backstory matters. It’s a central part of the plot. In turn, having an scene or two with Cyborg and his father would’ve elevated his character, while also giving him a genuine personality. After all, he acts more negative and bitter because of what happened to him. He actually isn’t that way… so I would’ve liked to see more of his true self.
🥈 Aquaman

Played by: Jason Momoa
Justice League is filled with dull and uninteresting characters, who are underdeveloped and poorly portrayed. I’m talking about the likes of Miller‘s The Flash and Cavill‘s Superman. With that being said, I found Aquaman to be among the few that had some flavor. He gave us some effortless funny moments that actually fit the movie, and that’s more than I can say for pretty much EVERY other character in Justice League. With a handful of badass moments, believable dialogue and some truly well-coreographed fight scenes, Aquaman did his part in the movie!
Before I move on from Aquaman, let me just say that Jason Momoa did an admirable job with the character. It’s easier said than done, considering the obvious changes to the character, but he managed to find the perfect pocket; one that I never knew existed. Simply put, he found a way to make this version of Aquaman convincing, even moreso than Batman and Superman. I just found that to be very impressive, considering the short amount of screen time he had to work with. It all does come together well. That’s the reason I’m ranking Aquaman at #2 on my list of the best Justice League characters!
🥇 Wonder Woman

Played by: Gal Gadot
Who could’ve thought that Gal Gadot’s Amazon would overthrow Superman and overshadow Batman in Justice League? Honestly, I didn’t see it coming, but I’m not surprised. I watched the movie, and saw how Ben Affleck was uncomfortable every second of the movie. I saw Henry Cavill’s moustache debacle and his uninspired performance of Superman. Sadly, it didn’t take long for the 2 most iconic DC characters to embarass themselves. In walks Wonder woman and snatches the crown, and it couldn’t have been any easier. 👑
Wonder Woman is woven well into the storyline, being an integral part of the progression, the backstory and the conclusion. She’s even the key to creating The Justice League, and bringing them together. She’s like the center of gravity, the unifying factor that ties the heroes together. But it’s not just about the writing, as Gadot’s ability to be motherly and kind, while still being a strong leader, needs to be commended. If that’s not enough, she had the best action scenes and most memorable lines of dialogue, which makes her stand out even more. In all honesty, I feel like Justice League is more or less a Wonder Woman movie, more than anything else, and I genuinelly like that!
🦄 Magical movie lists!