Imagine it’s 1985, and there’s something strange in your neighborhood. Who would you call? No. Don’t say it! You wouldn’t call the Ghostbusters, alright? They are fictional. Instead, you’d call Ed & Lorraine Warren, the real life paranormal investigators. Now, fast-forward to 2013, to the year when James Wan blessed us with The Conjuring; telling the story of the IT couple in the realm of spirits and demons; The Warrens. Portrayed by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, Ed and Lorraine Warren were brought to the big screen in spine-tingling fashion. And thus, art imitates life in the most beautifully twisted forms, and I absolutely love it!

While a slew of lists about The Conjuring are in the pipeline, today I will be counting down the top 5 best Conjuring characters. Whether we’re talking about Ed and Lorraine Warren or any of the Perrons, The Conjuring has some well-written characters. Some are better than others, but who’s actually at the tippity-top? Scroll down and enjoy the list. You’ll find out soon enough!

🦄 Here are some more magical movie lists!

5. Roger Perron

Roger Perron looking worried near a tree.

Roger Perron is the non-believer, who finds a logical reason behind every knock, bump and scratch. While Ron Livingston does a good job portraying the character, he sadly comes across somewhat disconnected. Perhaps it’s his lack of emotional investment in the sad and frantic moments? Maybe it’s the fact that he’s the only main character that feels unengaged? I would like to think that it’s a combination of the two, as Roger Perrson feels somewhat off-beat. It’s as if Ron Livingston phones in the emotional moments, and only excells in being the “man of the house”. But sadly that isn’t enough to rank him any higher on my list. However, I must say that he does a respectable job, just not a job that I can call “great” by any metric.

4. Christine Perron

Christine Perron looking frightened in the dark.

Joey King is an excellent actress, and her performance as Christine Perron is among her most convincing portrayals of any character she’s ever played. I wholeheartedly mean this, as she doesn’t hold back in the slightest, letting her emotions take over during some scary moments. That’s not only a desirable quality to have in an actress, but a much-needed one for someone acting in a horror movie. Simply put, she nails her role perfectly.

Christine Perron is a character that in and of itself is well-written. She’s included in a variety of scary moments, likely because of Joey King’s quality acting abilities. If not for that, then I doubt the movie would’ve had that very human element that Joey King brought to the table. Nevertheless, it’s all about her role in the story being well structured. She doesn’t take away too much screentime from more important characters, and shines every single second she’s on the screen. Thus, she’s a really good character, and she places 4th on my list of the top 5 best Conjuring characters.

3. Carolyn Perron

Lili Taylor's Carolyn Perron smiling while looking at a music box.

When it comes to movies about demonic posession, the most important person to cast well is the person who’s being possessed. That person will carry the heaviest load emotionally, as it’s their job to act human and act like a demon. It’s easier said than done, especially when it’s a character written as well as Carolyn Perron. Then, the job gets a lot harder, as now you need to sell the human to us before we can care about the demon trying to kill her from within. And do you know what? They casted the perfect person for the role: Lili Taylor.

Carolyn Perron could’ve easily topped this list. She’s a believable character, who feels down to earth and realistic. Whether it’s her portrayal of a mother taking care of her family or acting as a woman being taken over by an otherwordly entity, she nails both sides of the character. She does it well. However, I simply found the Warrens to be better characters overall. Therefore, I give the 3rd spot on my list of the top 5 best Conjuring characters to Carolyn Perron.

2. Ed Warren

Patrick Wilson's Ed Warren with an intense look wearing a black shirt outdoors.

Patrick Wilson is capable of creating engaging characters, that feel grounded, yet have a very memorable personality. While he’s not alone in having this quality as an actor, he’s definitely one of the better examples. I mean, it doesn’t ever matter what character he’s playing. He’s always able to give a very human element to his characters, whether they are in a horror film or not. He simply has a talent for giving believable and convincing performance. Whether he has tons of screen time or barely any, he makes the most out of every second. Through subtle behavioral quirks and intricate facial expressions, he brings Ed Warren to life in the best way.

When it comes to Ed Warren, it’s safe to say that he’s the soul of The Conjuring. He’s the one who’s constantly putting himself at harms way, always helping others, and doing whatever he must to make people around him feel good. While the same could be said about Lorraine, Ed just excells in this facet a lot better. While some of it has to do with his reliable and strong role in the film, most of it has to do with Ed’s warmth and comfortable energy. He just makes you feel safe, even when there’s nothing to worry about.

All in all, Ed Warren is a really well-written character, who’s very distinct. He knows what he is, what he wants and where to focus his energy. Whether he’s playing the guitar or excorcising a demon, he feels completely engaged in the moment he’s in. That feels special. That feels like a character that feels fully written into the storyline together with the actor in mind. Therefore, I am more than happy to give the 2nd spot to Ed Warren.

1. Lorraine Warren

Vera Farmiga's Lorraine Warren looking scared while holding a music box.

You can’t mention Ed, without mentioning Lorraine, can you? They are the perfect horror film couple. Therefore, we have to appreciate the incredible chemistry between Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga. Ed and Lorraine Warren actually feel like a married couple. From the way that they look at each other to the way they support one another, it feels legitimate. Considering how much is hanging on Patrick and Vera’s shoulders, I doubt The Conjuring would’ve worked as well as it did without them.

Now, it’s time to discuss Lorraine Warren, who’s both a clairvoyant and a light trance medium. In turn, she’s a very complex character, who can see and feel what others simply cannot. This makes Lorraine feel otherwordly, yet strangely enough, she doesn’t feel powerful. As a matter of fact, it’s her warm and loving personality that gives her that much-needed balance. It does a lot for her character, as it makes Lorraine complex enough to make you intrigued by her, but not godly enough to give her a feeling like she’s floating above others. If this balance wouldn’t exist, Lorraine wouldn’t rank 1st on my list.

Lorraine Warren is included in the majority of the scary moments, which isn’t surprising. Vera Farmiga excells at acting afraid and distraught, and everything in-between. Therefore, we’re treated to many terrifying moments with Lorraine, where 9 times out of 10, it’s her selling the scare more than the scare is actually scary! Whoah… too many “scares” in that one sentence. Nevertheless, it’s time to wrap this up by crowning Lorraine Warren as the best character. She has earned the #1 spot on my list of the Top 5 Conjuring characters. All hail the scream queen that is Vera Farmiga!
