Wolfgang Reitherman‘s Robin Hood, released in 1973, is a light-hearted and funny Disney film. While it has a few obvious flaws, like the copy-paste animations, the characters are not one of them. In fact, I’d say that Robin Hood is a character-driven film, with colorful animals that are far more interesting than the story they are taking part in. With that being said, I’m more than happy to focus on the characters of Robin Hood. So, how about we count down the best of the best characters in this film? Here’s my top 10 list of the best Robin Hood characters!
10. Tagalong
Voiced by: Dori Whitaker
The youngest daughter of Mother Rabbit is Tagalong, who simply loves to tag along! Wherever her siblings go, she’s sure to follow. With a hop and a step, she brings an endearing and a very heartwarming personality to the film, making for a few very funny moments. While she’s just a minor character, she steals the spotlight here and there, making her role feel bigger than it is. I guess some characters just like to shine, and Tagalong is one of ’em.
Oh, and let’s not forget Dori Whitaker’s amazing voice over work for Tagalong. She absolutely nailed it, and her role was pivotal in making Tagalong an adorable character. I mean, she only speaks every now and again, but the line delivery is what sets her apart from many others. It goes to show how important a voice actor can be, as her cute voice made the character what it is! It’s one of the reason’s she snagged a spot on my top 10 Robin Hood characters list as well!
9. Skippy
Voiced by: Billy Whitaker
Skippy, the brother of Tagalong and Sis, is the brother who’s constantly being picked on, and who has dreams of being like Robin Hood. He idolizes him, just like many others do. However, Skippy even cosplays as the foxy thief. With a bow and arrow, a hat to match, this little rabbit could give Robin Hood a run for his golden coins when he grows up! However, it’s not a part of the story, and so the focus isn’t on him, but his addition in Robin Hood makes for some funny and genuinelly touching moments. Whether he’s getting kissed by Marion and then teased, or when he’s eyes glisten as Robin Hood gifts him a bow and a few arrors, Skippy is here to give us moments that make us feel all warm inside!
Did you know that Billy Whitaker, the voice of Skippy, is the brother of Dori Whitaker, the lady behind Tagalong? It’s just something I had to mention, as it’s a beautiful detail that can easily be overlooked.
8. Friar Tuck
Voiced by: Andy Devine
This kind-hearted priest is like the film’s moral compass, as he’s the exemplary elder who’s on a quest to do what’s right. So he gives people money, he helps others in need, and he doesn’t sell out for anything. It’s exactly this type of priest that we all should know, as he gives us the right kind of idea of what’s right and wrong. In turn, his role in the film is to show honest and good deeds, while giving insight into how Robin Hood achieves the same result but by other means. It’s a great way to show off both characters, and none of them look bad for it. Quite the contrary, as both look better because of it.
7. Sheriff of Nottingham
Voiced by: Pat Buttram
Sheriff of Nottingham is the most angering villain, as he uses immoral tactics to exploit coins from people, with complete disregard of their well-being. If the townsfolk have enough for a meal, they have one coin too much – that’s according to the Sheriff of Nottingham. It’s clear that he doesn’t have a sliver of empathy, and that’s the reason he’s the villain of Robin Hood you’ll be angry at the most. This, in turn, means that he’s a pretty good bad guy, as he makes us feel something, and it’s so satisfying to see him get what’s coming to him!
6. Lady Kluck
Voiced by: Carole Shelley
Lady Kluck, the kind-hearted lady-in-waiting for Maid Marian, possesses a spirited personality and surprisingly good combat skills. Although she’s gentle and affectionate towards the likes of Skippy and friends, she’s also one of the toughest and most resilient individuals. It matters not what happens, what matters is how you handle yourself – and that’s exactly how our Lady Kluck responds to challenging situations. Therefore, come hell or high water, she’ll be fighting together with you on the frontlines, and still protect Maid Marian with all her might!
This big bird can only be compared to an overprotective mother, who will do whatever it takes to protect the ones she loves. With valuable life advice to go along with her protective nature, she’s one of the most likable characters in Robin Hoon. But when she’s not tending to Marian, she’s chuckling away at something funny she did, approaching life light-heartedly. In turn, I’d say that she’s one of the most enjoyable characters to watch as well. With that being said, I’m more than happy to place her 6th on my list of the Top 10 Robin Hood Characters list.
5. Little John
Voiced by: Phil Harris
Our lil’ big fella over here, who goes by Little John, is the Baloo of Robin Hood. He has a larger than life personality, a great sense of humor, and a beautiful heart. If need be, he’ll turn off his soft-side, throw up his dukes, and protect the ones he loves. Inside, he’s warm and loving. But on the outside, he’s a lean and mean wrecking machine! Simply put, don’t get on his bad side. It’ll like not turn out well for you! With that being said, Little John is a balanced character, with a groove to him, that can only be matched by Robin Hood.
Little John is utilized mostly for comedic purposes, but adds some much-needed heart to the colorful cast of characters. While he doesn’t have a personal storyline like Robin Hood, he’s a side-kick who makes others look good. In turn, he sets up many humorous moments for Rob and others. It’s an effective way to use the character, and because of his well-written persona, he stands out among the rest!
4. Maid Marian
Voiced by: Monica Evans
The gentle voice of Monica Evans brings Maid Marian to life in a heartwarming manner, where every moment with this red fox feels like a breeze in the summertime! Her kind heart can only be matched by her love for Robin, and her sisterly energy is what makes her so likable. Just go and ask Skippy! He knows exactly what I’m talking about. Maid Marian has a way with kids, an unrivaled lady-like energy, and an easy-going proper personality to fit her like a glove. In turn, she’s one of the characters that’s most well-baked into the story.
๐ฅ Sir Hiss
Voiced by: Terry-Thomas
The brains behind the royal idiot, that’s Sir Hiss to Prince John, isn’t it? Nope! Not even a little! I suppose that’s the intention, but the twist on these “roles” is downright hilarious. It’s like Sir Hiss acts as Prince John’s right hand man, but always finds himself on the bad side of the lion with obvious mommy issues. Worst of all, whatever clever ideas Sir Hiss has, Prince John just berates him and calls him an “idiot”. Quite the contrary, as Prince John is the dumb one of the pair. In fact, Sir Hiss is quite smart, but that’s the point of this pairing; to frustrate us, and grow a hatred towards Prince John. It worked on me, and I’m sure it worked on you. In turn, I find the two of them to be absolutely great together!
Beyond the beautiful voice acting of Terry-Thomas, I find the animation quality on Sir Hiss to be exceptional. It’s a slithery lil being, that wears a hat and constantly gets abused by Prince John. However, he always manages to react and act in ways that make him fun to watch, and that’s a huge bonus in an animated movie. While it doesn’t mean much for his placing on my list, it’s just something I found really good about him. It still gives the character a few bonus points in my book!
๐ฅ Prince John
Voiced by: Peter Ustinov
Oh, Prince John, how your foolish ways amuse me! You’re like a feather tickling the sole of my feet, the way you make me laugh with your foolish antics. It doesn’t take more than a handful of seconds for you to do something stupid, silly or ridiculous. It’s what makes you likable, and what makes you one of main stars of the show!
The scrawny John, is no match for his big brother, King Richard. It’s almost as if John is Scar and Richard is Mufasa from The Lion King. John can’t rule the kingdom or take his brother’s place. He’s a placeholder for a respected king, who rules with a gentle touch. But this shows us exactly what happens when entitled fools believe themselves to be leaders. Without working for it, Prince John takes what is not rightfully his, all in hopes of getting wealthier. However, it’s what makes John funny! He’s unknowingly doing most of it. Whether he’s sleeping with bags of money or locking up innocent people, it’s mostly done out of stupidity. He doesn’t know how to handle people. Instead, he gets mad and pouts, ruling with an iron fist. But he’s adorable. Like, how can I hate on him? Impossible. He’s the cutest!
Prince John Is A Lion Cub Refusing to Grow Up – It’s Hilarious!
There’s more to this lion than a self-serving nature. What we have here is a lion cub that has not grown up yet, as he’s still sucking his thumb and crying his way out of bad situations. So, instead of taking responsibility for his mistakes, he blames others. Sir Hiss, I’m looking at you! Therefore, he’s a surprisingly complex character, with some truly disturbing underlying issues. Not only does he suck his thumb and rub his ear, with a few teardrops here and there, he’s an individual who shows immense violence towards even his own advisor. Whether Sir Hiss does things right or not, he gets chocked and punched repeatedly. It just shows how childish Prince John is at his core, as he can’t do anything with his words. Worst of all, he wears oversized and ridiculous clothing, cosplaying his big brother – who is everything that he isn’t!
Who’s better? Prince John or Robin Hood? For me, it’s a toss up. So whichever way you lean, I respect it. With that being said, Prince John takes the 2nd spot on my list of the top 10 Robin Hood characters!
๐ฅ Robin Hood ๐
Voiced by: Brian Bredford
This cunning red fox has so much to offer, effortlessly assisting those in need with a cheerful demeanor! His mischievous behavior and carefree attitude only add to his charm, making his acts of kindness even more touching. It’s not like there’s a hidden agenda or alterior motives. Robin Hood genuinelly desires to equally distribute the wealth, so that innocent people that are starving to death and living in rubble can eat proper food and live normal lives. It’s like a second nature thing with Robin, as he does it all without a question in his mind. He’s willing to challenge royalty, all for his beliefs and values. Now, that’s a fox I can get behind!
Robin Hood is the charismatic leader of this Disney movie, who’s made even more captivating and engaging by his comedic approach to things. While other characters might challenge him in a handful of ways, none of them can match his character overall. I’d even go as far as to say that Robin Hood is one of the top 20 best characters in Disney history. So, with that being said, I’m going to crown Robin Hood as the king of this list. Sorry John! So, here’s to Robin Hood! The best character on my list of the top 10 Disney Robin Hood characters! ๐
Magical Movie Lists!