Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is known for it’s well-written characters, like Setsuna F. Seiei, Allelujah Haptism and Graham Aker. However, it’s not like all of Gundam 00 characters are great. In fact, some of them are lackluster, and some are downright bad. I’m talking about the likes of Wang Liu Mei, Alejandro Corner and The Innovators. While they have some redeeming qualities, it’s not enough to escape my list of the 5 worst Gundam 00 characters. So, let’s dive into the list!
5. The Innovators: Hiling Care, Divine Nova, Bring Stabity, Revive Revival
Bring Stabity & Divine Nova VA: Ryoutarou Okiayu
Revive Revival VA: Mitsuki Saiga
Hiling Care VA: Miyuki Kawasho
These Innovators were created with the sole purpose of being killed, and that’s obvious when you consider their lack of character and personality. It’s like the writers thought that making them look like a bunch of Skittles was enough to warrant our interest? Sadly, it’s not enough. Bring Stabity and the others are simply examples of what happens when humans tamper with genetics, and create something they don’t understand. While it’s a welcomed plot point, these characters don’t do much to push that story forward. They are merely tools for other, far more interesting characters. Worst of all, I’m not talking about just one Innovator; I’m saying that 4 of them are mind numbingly poorly written.
The problem with Hiling, Divine, Bring and Revive is that they are cool because they are just written to be “cool”, without anything to warrant it. The same goes for their combat ability. Everything from their hair to their behavior is just overly dramatic, to the point where they feel ridiculous, only protected by lots of plot armor. In turn, these characters are among the worst Gundam 00 characters!
4. Andrei Smirnov
Voice By: Tetsu Shiratori
Andrei Smirnov has some good moments in Gundam 00, but he comes across as an angsty teenager who’s too immature to face his problems and deal with conflicts. Thus, he spends most of his time sulking, looking for any reason to go against his father, Sergei. Ironically enough, he’s 24 years old, yet acts like he’s barely hit puberty. Sadly, that’s not a good way to build a character, especially if that behavior is based on something that wasn’t that bad to begin with. As a result, we’re left with a person who’s only trait is being miserable, without any real distinct behavior or personality.
While I understand the hate Andrei harbors against his father, blaming him for his mother’s death, he isn’t willing to discuss the issue it with his father. It’s a one-sided ordeal, as Sergei has nothing against Andrei. Sadly, his son is blinded by hatred. So he’s not capable of seeing the situation from his father’s perspective. If he did open his heart, he’d understand that his dad made a difficult decision that was right at that time. But what did he do? He ordered the 4th platoon, which included his wife Holly, to defend the HRL Orbital Elevator from a terrorist attack. Holly carried out the orders, but lost her life in the process. Thus, we have our premise for Andrei’s existence. It’s this one thing that keeps him relevant.
All in all, it’s surprising that Andrei takes up a so much screen time, while offering so little. This story arc could’ve been improved, would Andrei had some personality. You know, a little bit of umph; some energy. But he’s as interesting as a piece of white bread. With that said, he’s one of the worst Gundam 00 characters!
🥉 Alejandro Corner
Voice By: Yasunori Matsumoto
If you don’t remember this guy, I won’t blame you, as Alejandro Corner is a generic character who fails at being the “final boss” of Gundam 00: Season 1. Why on earth was he even in the anime to begin with? What’s the point? He’s terrible in every way, as he doesn’t do anything interesting, and his role in Gundam 00 doesn’t add anything to it. Alejandro’s only there for the big final battle, where his fight against Setsuna feels pointless, and is overshadowed by Graham Aker. So why tease us with Alejandro Corner, as if he’s some kind of a good villain, when he’s easily one of the worst bad guys I’ve seen in anime history. He serves no purpose.
I’m going to put Alejandro in a corner and be done with it. He’s a part of a few good moments, but that’s not enough to excuse his poorly written existence in Gundam 00. In this anime, with so many good characters, forget this mess of a villain. He’s not worth our time.
🥈 Wang Liu Mei
Voice By: Kei Shindou
Let’s be honest, okay? You might’ve watched Gundam 00 multiple times, but you still don’t really understand why Wang Liu Mei was even in it, right? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and you’re not wrong in feeling that way, as Wang Liue Mei is the definition of the word shallow.
Wang Liu Mei’s backstory was actually rather well kept hidden in Gundam 00: Season 1. But it never properly took off, and her backstory seemed quite irrelevant and unimportant when it all came to light. Therefore, why was the secretive nature necessary? It wasn’t like there was a good payoff for the character, right? She was literally doing whatever she wanted, for her own egotistical reasons, and she ended up paying for it with her life. But what’s special about that? Why spend so much time on a character who is essentially pointless to the story? She doesn’t add anything to it, but is more like a leech, surviving only by sticking to better characters.
PS. I really like Wang Liu Mei’s design. There, I said something positive about her!
🥇 Hong Long
Voice By: Kenji Takahashi
Every single attempt Hong Long made to be cool was cringey and awkward. Whether he used a silly little mask to cosplay a superhero or when he ran around like Naruto. He was just awful. As if we’re gonna believe that he can run towards gunfire and dodge bullets? Yeah… right? I’m just going to say it how it is; Hong Long is pathetic. He’s an atrocious character, who’s used to make Wang Liu Mei look like a spoiled brat, and she’s nearly as bad as Hong Long! I’m simply disappointed in the poor attempt at making Hong Long Mysterious and interesting. It was a failure at all fronts. He ends up being as exciting as a soggy noodle. Therefore, I have to give him the crown for being the worst! Thus, Hong Long takes the 1st place on my list of the worst Gundam 00 characters!
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