Boy Kills World is a wild, blood-soaked ride, where vibrant characters get caught in the chaos of relentless action, leaving little behind but the echo of its violence. Yet, even in this frenzied madness, there are a few characters who shine through the blood, standing tall in a film that, for all its flash, struggles to make a lasting impression. In a way, it leaves me wanting to see more, as characters like June27 and Basho were fun to follow. If only we would’ve gotten more time with them, you know? Nevertheless, with a nearly 2-hour run time, they got enough for me to rank them from best to worst. Without further ado, I give you the top 5 best Boy Kills World characters!
5. Melanie Van Der Koy

Believe it or not, Melanie is the real villain of the Van Der Koy family, not Hilda, and I like how unapologetically wicked she is. There’s something so satisfying about her evil ways, giving her character a sharpness that’s hard to find elsewhere. It’s like she’s from a different film, the way in which she’s so well-written into the backbone of the story. Even after the major plot twist, her storyline stays intact, and that’s honestly something that makes her memorable. I’m saying that while other characters change for various reasons, her being “evil” throughout is a superb decision. It makes her feel like a true “bad guy”, and I appreciate that. Hey, it’s not much, but together with Michelle Dockery‘s performance it comes together in a beautiful, wicked, way.
4. Basho

I must tip my hat to you, Andrew Koji, you did a pretty good job bringing your goofy character to life, making him stand out as the funniest person in the whole entire film! For that, I applaud you! 👏👏👏
Basho may not be one of the most pivotal characters—after all, only a handful really stand out—but his quirky antics and endearing silliness make him a total joy to watch. While he’s truly a comedic relief character, with the film relying heavily on him after Boy’s ascension and start to killing people, his involvement is actually a good thing. Without him, the film wouldn’t work. I would even say that he fills a “hole”, in a way, of a very “human” character. Thus, it all comes down to your persona preference, as some might find his charm irresistible!
3. Shaman

Action movie badass Yayan Ruhian takes on the role of the eccentric “teacher” who prepares Boy for the task of killing Hilda (the person who killed Boy’s famil). But what are his methods? Oh, by burying him alive, pushing him through grueling training, and of course, indulging in a bit of the green (smoke-smoke). It’s a bizarre path for his character, but when the plot twist gets unveiled, everything falls into place, making his strange approach suddenly seem like it was all part of the plan. Which it was. In turn, the character does come full circle by the time we hit the climactic ending!
At first, the Shaman’s motives may seem a bit questionable, but he quickly becomes one of the most entertaining and intriguing parts of the film. As the story unfolds, his role shifts, yet he maintains the same unique vibe and energy throughout. It’s clear that Yayan Ruhian infused a lot of himself into the character, and that’s especially evident in the climactic final fight, where his impressive skills take center stage. Ultimately, the Shaman’s appeal is rooted in Yayan’s performance—without him, the character would’ve felt entirely different, and I’m not sure it would’ve been for the better. In turn, I think he’s one of the best characters in Boy Kills World.
2. June27

This girl grabbed my attention instantly—decked out in a biker helmet, a yellow jacket with her abs on display, and black pants paired with badass boots. She’s the perfect mix of mystery and cool, a total vibe that’s impossible to ignore. The best thing you can do is let her completely pull you into her electrifying action scenes. And when the plot twist hits, you’ll find yourself loving her even more! Just sit back, keep your eyes wide open, and buckle up for the wild ride that is June27!
When it comes down to June27’s story, it’s not particularly special, but it’s darn interesting. It’s one of those types of stories that’ll have your jaw to the floor, ready to ask many questions. But in the end, Jessica Rothe gives this action flick character an identity that is easy to understand. While June27 isn’t necessarily a well-written character, being very shallow, she’s good enough when compared to other characters. In turn, I’m giving her the second spot for all the badass stuff she does with tons of attitude. I just like June 27!
1. Boy

Bill Skarsgård shines with a solid performance that goes beyond his other roles. His physical transformation is impressive, as he effortlessly takes on the intense fight scenes with a level of skill and precision that surprises and captivates. It’s a completely new look for Skarsgård, who was solely recognized for his portrayal of Pennywise the clown in IT. Here, he steps into a very physical, action-packed role, showcasing a side of himself that people may not have expected—one that proves he’s more than just a master of horror, but also a force to be reckoned with in the action genre!
Hold up, don’t get too upset just yet. While I stand by my praise of Bill’s solid performance, let’s be clear—his character, Boy, is NOT well-written. In fact, Boy’s story is straightforward and simplistic, almost to the point where it feels like it belongs in an old-school action flick from the ‘80s or ‘90s—and that’s saying something! But here’s the thing: despite its simplicity, Boy’s journey still manages to captivate and hold your attention. It’s the driving force behind the film, and the main reason you’ll find yourself glued to the screen. If not for Boy’s story from a young boy to a grown man, the film would’ve fallen very flat. It’s this journey that makes the character interesting, and the setup for his story makes him fun to follow. Plus, the comedic timing of Bill Skarsgård is beautiful!
Bill Skarsgård Impresses In His First True Action Film
By the time the credits roll on Boy Kills World, one thought will stick with you: this young man was brainwashed into a killing spree, only to end up looking like a complete fool. Then again, he was a fool from the start—and that cringeworthy voice-over certainly didn’t do him any favors, only cranking up the obnoxious factor. And yet, despite it all, he’s hands down the best character in the film. Why? Because he’s downright entertaining. He tops this list, as the best of the best characters in Boy Kills World!