To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts is an action adventure, with surprisingly fun monster battles, an emotional rollercoaster of a story and genuinelly interesting characters. While there are bad ones, some of which I have included in my list below, many are quite fun to follow; Liza, Nancy and John being among them. If you’d have to choose just one character as the best, who would it be? Well, maybe my list can help you out a bit, eh? Let’s get it started! Here are the top 10 best characters in To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts! 👹

10. Theodor Sherman

Theodor Sherman split image of a minotaur and him as half human.

The character, and story, of Theodor is heartbreaking, as he never wanted to be in the war. It’s so sad, because he was young and he feared death. It’s also what ended up being his undoing, as when the war ended, he built himself a fortress while in his minotaur form to keep himself safe. He wanted to survive a war that ended a long time ago. For him, it was still ongoing. In his fear, he lost himself, and his worldview had changed. He was no longer “present”. What was left was a scared beast, ready to kill anyone that would try to stop him. And do you know what all of this represents? It’s what happens to a young soldier, forced to fight, without even being old enough to know right from wrong.

Theodor Sherman is a good one-episode villain, as he’s imposing and scary, with a backstory that makes you want to know more about the Incarnates as a whole. It’s a character that tells its story through fear, pain and violence, only to be shown to be a softie on the inside. It’s an important thing, as we see that behind the monster lies a good human, who fought in a war. I guess you could say that the minotaur was one of the best villains in the show.

9. Arthur Allston

Arthus Allston Incarnate version split screen with his human self.

He was a gentle soul. An individual who didn’t think about war, but the ocean. He could sit near a tree, enjoy the weather, draw, and just let his mind wonder. It’s what makes his story as tragic as many other Incarnates; he was personable and relatable, very human in his core. And when I first saw that big mountain of a monster, I thought I’d be intimated. And I was, but only at first. When I saw his gaze at the ocean, with tears running down his face, I realized that there’s much more to these Incarnates than shown before. While John Bancroft showed what love for family can do, Arthur showed me what yearning to see something looks like. And it was beautiful.

While he’s involvement in the story was short, his episode was excellent. Well-written, boldly structured, with a sinister undertone, that ended in a heartwarming and heartbreaking scene. It’s enough for me to give the character a solid ranking on the 9th spot!

8. Cain Madhouse

Cain Madhouse speaking passionately with his hand on his chest.

Let’s be honest, shall we? Cain Madhouse is a lackluster villain, who’s your run-of-the-mill bad guy, with a sneaky behavior, an evil laugh and overpowered abilities. When he is not hiding in the shadows, he shows up looking “scary” and “threatening”, without earning those qualities through actions. In turn, he’s a plot armor-riddled mess, whose abilities always fit the level of necessity in a given situation. Worst of all, he doesn’t do much, and he ends up eating a bunch of time from better, more well-written, characters.

While Cain has some good moments, especially in the first episode, he often falls flat whenever he does show up in later episodes. I’m not even sure why that’s the case, but I think that he gets overshadowed by the other Incarnates that are more interesting. It’s quite disappointing. When he shows up, he doesn’t do much to begin with, and his master plan never gets revealed enough for us to care about it. I honestly find his inclusion in the story baffling. On one hand, they set him up PERFECTLY, but then squander his momentum by teasing his “grand scheme”, without ever letting him properly be a part of the storyline.

Why is Cain not lower if I’m just roasting him? Well, he’s the reason the first episode was great! Not only that, but his evil behavior was still rather entertaining, and he had a few good scenes that deserve some respect. In turn, I’m placing hism 8th on my list of the best characters in To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts!

7. Myles Byron

Myles Byron with long white hair and a muscular body.

In the last few episodes, it’s not Cain who carries the show on the villain-side of things, but it’s Myles Byron. It’s the former doctor, now full-time centaur, with a compelling story and a head for tactical thinking who steals the show, and who makes Cain’s fight against Hank look like an afterthought! Instead of remembering Cain, I remember countless villains more than him, with one of them being Myles Byron.

When you look past the snow-colored locks and his chiseled physique, you find a gentle man with a heart of gold, willing to do whatever it takes to help his comrades, and so he did. When he was still fully human, he was a doctor, helping countless people in the war. But that waned on him, as he saw gruesome injuries and lots of death. He wanted to do more. He wanted to do something on the battlefield. So he did! He got into the Incarnate program and was now on the frontlines, fighting just like everyone else! And this story is exactly what makes him intriguing. It’s not just another Incarnate who turned monster and lived a peaceful life, Myles helped the injured, on and off the battlefield.

Lastly, I’d like to mention that Myles Byron definitely deserved more screentime. Considering his well-written backstory, thrist for fights, and badass combat abilities, it’s a shame we didn’t get more of him! However, he still grabs a good spot on my list of the best characters in To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts anime!

6. Beatrice

Beatrice mermaid with feathery wings sitting on top of a rock near the ocean.

Episode 8, titled “Songstress of Sleep”, is arguably the very best episode in To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts TV anime. It’s well-structured, focusing on the best characters in the show, including Nancy, Claude, Liza and the siren named Beatrice. When I say that, I mean it, and most of the credit goes to non-other than – you guessed it – Beatriceeee!

Beatrice with blonde hair singing with hands on her chest.

So who is this half-mermaid and half-bird? Well, she is a singer, who went to war to do her part, only to come back to a town filled with hate-filled people, who shunned the “monster” inside her. While she only wanted to bring joy to the world through beautiful melodies and her soothing voice, she wasn’t able to do so as an Incarnate. Instead of the stage she was born to sing on, she sang in a cove, as the people that once adored her, now feared her. It’s tragic, isn’t it? But it’s the reason I find Beatrice so relatable and compelling, as her love for something was so strong, that she was able to keep herself human longer than most Incarnates. Her love for singing also gave her purpose and made her want to live. Without it. She didn’t know who she was anymore, and that’s truly saddening.

Please just watch the ending of episode 8, featuring Beatrice’s beautiful lullaby. It’s a 2-minute video! Trust me, you’ll feel something special! You will understand why this episode is superb!

5. Hank Henriette

Hank Henriette looking into the distance during sunset in a white outfit.

When I started watching To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts, I was instantly grabbed by the first episode. I liked the idea of a “monster army” fighting for good, with the caviat of never being able to get rid of the “monster” within. It was interesting. And I liked the ending as well, as we witness Cain Madhouse’s betrayal, which leads to Elaine and Hank getting shot in their heads. It does a lot of things RIGHT to set up the show, but sadly the first episode is also the best. It’s downhill from there, in large part thanks to Hank himself. Why? He’s one of the most dull and simple characters I’ve ever seen in an anime!

Large white wolf howling in the midst of a fire in an old city.

You know, I can tell you exactly who Hank is with one sentence: he’s a discruntled leader of a group of Incarnates, betrayed by his best friend, hunting down his former soldiers in hopes of finding peace, and killing Cain to exact revenge on his betrayal. That’s it. Yep! There’s literally nothing else to him. It’s not that deep. He’s just literally trying to finish his mission and sail in to the sunset! And that’s quite bland, isn’t it? And it’s not like we get a distinct personality or any kind of character development, because we don’t. Hank just hunts and kills monsters. It’s surprisingly shallow.

Hank isn’t a well-written, but his badassery makes up for some of it.

Now that I’ve heavily criticized Hank, you’re probably wondering why he’s so high on my list of the best characters in the Abandoned Sacred Beasts? Well, with the amount of screen time that Hank has, he does have about a dozen good moments, and half a dozen entertaining fights, and that counts for something. I’m not saying that he’s well-written, nor that he’s fun to watch, but he does have some redeeming qualities. In turn, I feel forced to place him higher than I would wish. But you know what? I have to go with what feels right, and being smack-dab in the mid is EXACTLY where Hank should be, because at best, he’s a mid character.

4. Claude Withers

Claude Withers in a uniform during a sunny day in Abandoned Sacred Beasts.

Claude is a young kid, an “angsty teenager” type, who thinks he’s right when he’s wrong, and who’s constantly trying to prove himself. While he lacks the true qualities of a leader, he still leads his troops with confidence in his quest to find Cain Madhouse – who happens to be his older brother! Yes, that’s right! Claude is related to the main villain of the story, and it’s what makes his own tale that much more interesting. You see, it’s not just about catching Cain, but proving his worth, and showing to others that he’s a true leader, even if he got the job from his father, Richard Withers. He just happens to be the President of the Norhter Union of Patria!

Above and beyond Claude’s important, and very interesting, part in the story is a character that is well-implemented and nicely intertwined with other characters. It’s like a perfect fit type of a situation, as he genuinelly fits into the story, giving us a leader’s perspective. While he’s still a young man who’s inexperienced, his fight and will to prove himself makes him fun to follow. It isn’t just about his willpower of course, but his overarching way of handling Hank and Nancy. He’s not your typical “leader”, as he’s very boyish in his style, often making decisions with his heart, and not his head. But that’s human, isn’t it? And watching his journey is interesting because of this very reason!

3. John William Bancroft

John Bancroft with round glasses in a beautiful area.

I’m not gonna lie, John’s story really hit my heart, as he was a kind-hearted father who looked after orphans and lived peacefully with his daughter, Nancy. In the wake of the war, he joined as it was the right thing to do, leaving behind his daughter and the orphans. It was difficult to see that, but it made sense. In his return, however, we saw a large dragon, and not a man. But inside, John was still present. He came back, but succumbed to the monster inside. When he was dealt with by Hank, he managed to come back later, only to die heartbroken at the hands of his daughter Nancy. It’s a family drama that’ll place you on an emotional rollercoaster, with no way to get off in time.

John is a vital part of the story, as he’s the first Incarnate that Hank kills. Not only that, but he is the reason why Nancy pushes forward, learning how to fend for herself and use firearms, so that she can get revenge on his killer, Hank. When you think that John’s 9 feet deep, he comes back, wreaking havoc, only to face his daughter. With all her courage, she shoots and kills her own father who had gone berserk. In this twisted way, John is really the reason Nancy started her journey and came full circle, as after shooting John, she wasn’t afraid anymore. She was willing to fight, and it’s all thanks to John.

This gentle giant was a person that gave the show some much-needed backbone. His story is of family and love, so it digs a little deeper. And with that in mind, I’m gonna give him the bronze medal, as he’s clearly one of the best characters in Abandoned Sacred Beasts!

2. Liza Runecastle

Liza Runecastle with her arms crossed showing cleavage.

If you’re not going to watch the Abandoned Sacred Beasts for the monster fights or Nancy’s re-awakening storyline, then you SHOULD watch it for Liza Runecastle’s gigantic sense of humor! She’s a person that’ll hardly bounce past you, as she’s the Energizer Bunny of the show, always doing something funny, unintentionally naughty and being very “extra” with everything that she does. It’s honestly like a breath of fresh air, and it’s exactly what this anime needed!

Liza Runecastle hugging Nancy between her breasts in a funny moment.

Jokes aside, Liza Runecastle deserves some praise, as she’s easily the most fun and entertaining person in the anime, acting as the “sexy silly mom” of the group. When she’s not joking around, she’s trying to help people, always there for a quick few lines to get them going again. It’s not a thing you’d expect from someone that looks like her, right? But that’s the genius of it! She’s the character that exceeds expections, as she’s actually well-written, while often being just used as a comedic relief character. But you see, that’s just one side of the coin, as Liza does a lot for the others, without really getting the credit she deserves. But I’m gonna give her A LOT of credit!

Without Liza, the Abandoned Sacred Beasts would’ve been very dark, gloomy and serious. It’s not a bad thing, but in a monster fighting anime like this, you need more “levels”. You can’t just give us the meat and potatoes, as we need to veggies as well, you know? And sometimes, they can be the best part of the meal, and in this case, they arguably are! With that said, Liza gets a snug spot, a silver medal, on my list of the best characters in Abandoned Sacred Beasts!

1. Nancy Schaal Bancroft

Nancy Schaal Bancroft with a red bow and a rifle on her back looking determined.

There’s a reason I wrote a piece called “Nancy Schaal Bancroft is the True Main Character In To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts.” I stand behind everything that I wrote in that opinion piece, so if you have the time, please check it out. I give a comprehensive and analytical take on why the “main character” is not Hank, but instead is clearly Nancy. Much love in advance!

Now, let me make myself very clear. I think that Nancy Schaal Bancroft is the only real reason to watch To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts. No, not the monsters. Not the boring fights. But her – Nancy. She’s the heart of the anime, and everything revolves around her, nearly as much as it does Hank. But the difference is, Nancy is actually well-written, has an interesting part in the story and has a distinct personality. Hank, on the other hand, is a bland individual, who’s on a mission to kill all the Incarnates. There’s nothing to him. Literally. He has no personality. He’s not unique in any way. He’s just… well, A GUY, and he hunts monsters. It’s that simple!

Nancy Schaal Bancroft with blue eyes and blu hair holding a hunting rifle.

Best of all, Nancy is a regular young woman, who doesn’t have any special skills or abilities, yet she still manages to kick butt with the best of them! And what makes her so special is that she tries to find different solutions to dealing with the Incarnates. While others are driven by fear and terror, she’s driven by a multitude of factors; revenge, love, friendship, protect the weak, and find the best solution (use your head) and not the easy solution (kill).

Nancy is the best character, and it’s not particularly close.

It’s time to wrap this up! There you have it, the top 10 best characters in To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts! Nancy came out on top, so she’s crowned as the queen of this top list! 👑
